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This year in PTACH we helped over 1000 children overcome
their learning challenges and to succeed in school. 

With your generous help, we can provide educational tools to a generation of children
- each with their own special needs and lay the groundwork for a successful future. 

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P’TACH is a Jerusalem-based organization that services children with learning challenges. Our goal is to help children succeed in school and provide them with the tools they need to become productive members of the Jewish community. Approximately  10 percent of all school-age children have some form of learning challenge.  Untreated, these learning challenges can lead to serious life consequences. PTACH staff, most of whom are bilingual, have advanced degrees and many years of experience. PTACH has developed  individualized and educational solutions that help neuro-diverse children to cultivate  their learning strengths and use them effectively.

‘Working as a team to help children overcome their learning difficulties.”

“The fusion of all of P’TACH’s resources working together as a team provides the child with the tools he/she needs to succeed.”
Miriam Schoen, Administrative Director
“P’TACH’s holistic approach gives children the opportunity to succeed in life and in school by helping them overcome or compensate for learning difficulties.”
Symie Liff, Executive Director
Symie is the founder of P’TACH, Israel.

Although our programs are in Hebrew,
all members of the P’TACH staff are bilingual and sensitive to the needs of new Olim.
P’TACH-Israel was established in 1986.

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PTACH - Israel is a recognized 501c3 non-profit in the USA and a recognized charitable organization in Israel according to Siif 46.
For shekel contributions you can make a bank transfer to:
Bank Poalei Agudat Israel
BANK # 52   BRANCH # 182
PTACH Account No. 690910

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